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Link> DONATIONS  I have chosen to add a link for donations in case you feel I deserve a tip for all the work I put into the newsletter. Or the republishing of my late Father's work OR for any other reason :) No pressure at all. I do send a white light blessing to anyone who decides to offer a donation :) Plus I have added a Full Moon action where your name is added to my spell for removing negative energy. Link>DONATIONS​


NOTE: Till April 2025 I am booking FULL reads at my office. I will only be taking bookings via phone please do not email or text. No shows till April 2025.




And February ends and the days get longer with daylight. That also means my WONDEFUL fulfilling winter rest is nearing the time that the shows start. However, as I am not one to waste time I kept to my yearly deep clean on my home. Every carpet got vacuumed, steamed with my carpet cleaner and as the heat is on in the house they dry quite quickly. Now I am a person who is not too fond of housework but not overly pleased with paying someone to clean LOL. Every so often I hire a cleaning person, and they never clean as well as I do when I choose to clean 😊 So I tend to do it myself slowly 😊  


So, starting on the 1st of February I steamed cleaned the basement carpet. Arranged all the cat food in the tiny kitchen down there. Happy to say I still have about a years supply left. For those who do not know I bought out a pet health store of its tinned cat food in September 2023. They were closing and everything was 60-70% off. I now am feeding China her tinned food for free 😊 Sometimes it pays to invest.


Then I cleaned all my gym equipment and got the mop and washed the linoleum floors. I took about 4 days to complete that. I did a chore each day!! Then I moved to the first upper part of the house and cleaned half of the reading room carpet and then the next day the latter half. Then I fixed up the cupboard, cleaned the shelves and moved on to the front TV room. Again, half of the carpet per day as I always move the furniture onto one half, let it dry overnight and then reverse the procedure. Same procedure as I moved to the next landing where I have the massage chair, meditation area and my books. Kind of like a library 😊

Moving upstairs I did the bedroom half and then half. I moved onto the office. Again, half and half. Lastly the two flight of carpeted stairs, one flight per day. By the 22nd I was done. I think next year I may pay for a professional to come in and clean. I will see. 😊 It was a lot of work LOL.


Now March brings the massive clear out and tidy ALL closets, food pantry, throw out what is not needed etc. etc. Oh and of course the bathrooms. By the end of March my home will be deep cleaned, and I then move out to the garden😊

Reads? I only had 13 reads but truly it is about the same every year. That is why I do the shows so I can slow down in winter and enjoy myself inside. The only issue lol is that I keep my home quite warm and because I have chosen to take the insurance off my van and stay cozy all winter it appears to be freezing when I go across to the mailbox or my son takes me out etc.!! But I am LOVING the down time.


So let us go onto Netflix: Since I upload my newsletter prior to the end of the month I always add the last few days of Netflix from the previous month 😊 Still in January I watched Mission Impossible and although I was not sure if I liked it at the beginning it picked up and I gave it a 9/10. Then I watched Home Again that I gave 8/10. February began. I then noted the Season Two of The Recruit was on, but it has taken so long to create I watched Season One again and then Season Two. Gave it an 8/10. Now a VERY interesting series called ‘Don’t Die’ was worth watching. Although the guy was a millionaire, so a lot of what he does is related to the fact he is wealthy, a lot of what is changing in his body due to his health efforts and also being VEGAN 😊 was fascinating. Then I watched Season One of Ginny and Georgia and gave it an 8/10. Obviously there will be another season based on the ending. Then I watched the movie Aftermath that I also gave an 8/10 to. Now my granddaughter said she was enjoying Apple Cider Vinegar, and I had planned to watch it, so I did. I gave it a 3/10. I found it very hard to follow and I wasted about 6 hours [I think there was six episodes] of my life. Followed that up with Missing You that I gave a 7/10 to. Bling Ring Hollywood was given 6/10 and I can only say thank you to the fact there was only 3 episodes. Then I chose Zero Day and gave that a 9/10 as I can truly see that happening to us if ever all of tech crashes. Worth the watch. Kinda Pregnant a light comedic movie I gave a 7/10 to.

Lastly I have read a review on Reacher that I might add is on Prime that I do have as a channel. I had written that down and on February 24th I did my monthly supper with my grandson at Cactus and he brought up the series saying I would truly enjoy it. So, I am now watching Episode One of Reacher. That will take me into March as there are three series. Yes, I am enjoying watching that hunk of a man who plays Reacher LOL.


Now talking about going out, once again even though it was a Monday night with my grandson, Cactus which I might add is NOT a cheap restaurant at all, was FULL!! Like so full there were no booths available. Again, I say ‘where are all these people struggling with costs’???? I think you have to be lazy or addicted to drugs not to be able to survive in Alberta. There is tons of work, and self employment is always the best as you can control the income. And to back up my claim here, on the 25th my son and I went out for dinner. He asked where I would like to go, and I had not been to Olive Garden in years. They do an excellent salad, so I chose there. Guess what?? At 4.45 pm the time we arrived it was half full, but the time we left? 90% full. Again, how is it people are claiming to struggle? Hockey sells out, Taylor Swift sells out, and need I add anything more LOL.


And lastly my granddaughter and my two great grand kids came over for a visit on February 13th. I created a lovely raw meal of creamy cucumber soup [see recipe below] a huge salad, onion bread [cooked in the dehydrator at 95F] stuffed mushrooms, [cooked in the dehydrator at 95F] raw cheese, chai tea [almond milk and spices and mint] and lastly for dessert the macaroons that I create from the almond pulp that I make my milk with. I had a lovely visit and once my van goes back the road I will be taking the nearly 4-year-old to West Edmonton Mall for the amusement park 😊


Now proof that the Universe really likes my spiritual act of staying home and focusing inwards 😊 For some reason I had miscalculated on buying China’s raw meat, and to my horror when I looked in my freezer it was clear that I was running out. I called my health store and asked if they had delivery. She said “no, but use Uber I think it was”. Going on the website I could not make head or tail of how to just get that done so I thought ‘oh yes, Global is only 1 kilometre away and that is walkable’. So, I called, and she says “no, she did not have that brand in stock, but another store did, and she could also order it”. She said it would all be there by Friday and ironically that was the day China’s last pack of raw meat ran out!!! I said I would walk over, and she said, “oh I can bring it to you if you are only 1 kilometer away”.!! Thank You Universe as Friday arrived and it was somewhere in the depths of freezing lol. She brought it all over for me. Funny how when you create your actions based upon the Personal Year [your TRUE season] that the Universe rewards even the simplest needs 😊


FOOD? I would not forget to add that LOL. As I am 100% raw a LOT of fresh was ordered. First I ordered 3 bottles of roqueforti so that I could create blue cheese for myself. Had to come from the USA and cost me $79.71. From Save On Foods and always delivered that came in 4 separate deliveries. White mushrooms, portobella mushrooms, celery, cucumbers mini and large, avocadoes, [tons] tomatoes, mint leaves, kale [ TONS] green onions, green beans, romaine lettuce, red bell pepper, flax seed, cranberries, cauliflower, chick peas [yes they sprout well] ground ginger, laundry soap for clothes, spinach, gala apples, green apples, red onions, lemons [tons for my green juice] shredded coconut, frozen green peas, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, balsamic vinegar, bananas, mangoes, wasabi, parsley, zucchini, coconut water, tarragon, olive oil and lastly sweet corn [sadly came rotten and I had to throw it out] Cost for February: $450.52 so total with the blue cheese was $530.23.


All shows are signed up for. Two hotels are booked. Two shows are fully paid for. I now know ALL of my show schedules for the full year except for two. I will know by April for both that I wait for and really thank the Universe for one when I get the acceptance letter. The other one is new. The person who took care of the vendors no longer works there, and since she was very religious she never let me in. Other vendors informed me last year she no longer has this position 😊 So I applied and will see if I get in😊


And I am sure you are bored by now if you have read this far LOL. Just know that I am never bored. I also ordered three more of Jack Noble series and am pleased to say I am in the middle of the first of the three. I adore the option of doing what I like at the times I like and seeing the progress of my actions. By the way, as you all know I am 100% raw and another month has gone by with no cheating. I can feel the energy boost. I have increased my workout to 2.3km on the treadmill and upped the sit-ups to 160. I have added my Nugabest bed to my stretching. If you do not know what a Nugabest bed is do google it. It is a healing bed that I bought many years ago. Truly a magnificent addition to my gym 😊 And of course I still use the vibrational machine and the inversion. Takes about and hour and 45 minutes to complete my daily care of the body 😊


So, until next month take care, find time for daily meditation, eat wisely, exercise daily as I do 😊 and enjoy the Universal time.

Positive Thoughts To All till next month 😊

Do you want to study my late Father's works? Beginners Tarot OR Neophyte Magic? Click here>Geof Gray Cobbs 50 Year Old Manuals â€‹

This is 50 year old learnings from my late Father and The Hermetic Order of Campo Santo. A school he opened and ran with my late mother in the 70's in Montreal. Quebec, Canada. 







TARIFFS TARRIFFS TARIFFS!!! Good grief can I say that my newscasts are ruined?

What are tariffs? Well prior to the public having to be taxed to death LOL there were tariffs. No one paid taxes. Then as taxes were implemented then some countries dropped tariffs and some like the Mexico/Canada/ USA signed agreements. Then the population started to be taxed upon their earnings.

Now as an added note it is not Canada who will pay the tariff it is the USA who pays them. So, a business ordering goods from Canada will see that increase in their costs. So, either they will raise their prices OR stop ordering and possible the business who supplies to the USA will move there. That is a nutshell in an explanation.


BUT!! Holy cow people this is typical of the weak-minded folks. Just like you all feel for ‘oh my gad, we are all going to die we had better rush for the shot of poison’ I see the same thing happening here. News keeps saying people are SCARED, WORRIED, in tears etc. etc. and nothing has happened yet!!!!!!!!


Plus, we have our government shut down so maybe some of you can TRULY wake up here and see that Trudeau does not care. If he did he would have opened up the government, stepped down and allowed us to call an election. But he has never cared. Neither will Carney who I know will win the leadership. For the first time in history we will have an UNELECTED by the public Prime Minister. Carney will be even worse than Trudeau was.


I digress as people need to learn to live in the “NOW”. Deal with things as they happen. The only sane person here is Premier Danielle Smith [ who runs Alberta, Canada] and her ‘let's sit and negotiate’ not threaten. Now I am writing this on February 11th, and I am aware that yesterday dear Donald announced 25% tariffs on steel and aluminum starting March 4th. All except Australia who apparently does not have a deficit with the USA.


Now where is the most steel coming from? Ontario and Quebec. Where did dear Donald get the most threats from if he put tariffs on them? Why it was loudmouth Ford in Ontario who hurriedly called an election that was NOT due. Why? well to reinstate himself for another 4 years using his toughness to assure folks he would handle Trump LOL. Note in Alberta where Danielle was respectful etc. oil was not mentioned AND!! As I predicted in my newsletter those tariffs would never happen.


Now let us look at what all this fuss is creating in Canada. My my, talks are underway to allow trade to be equal all across Canada. Supposingly creating another 2 billion surplus!!! REALLY? Then why was this not implemented in the years prior? Talks are now on board for pipelines to be built IN CANADA not where they are now. To carry oil to the east it has to go though the USA as Quebec stood firm on NOT allowing pipelines. Now the tune is changing rapidly. Funny how things that could have been done and were stood up against or shut down thanks to the Trudeau government are now being seen as a necessity to our country to stop a so called possible recession!!


BUT!! Here is the strangest thing that I think a lot of people may not know.

Canada is the second-largest country in the world by land area, spanning approximately 9.98 million square kilometers (3.85 million square miles).

The United States is the fourth-largest country in the world by land area, covering approximately 9.83 million square kilometers (3.80 million square miles).

Canada surpasses the USA in terms of sheer size, with a difference of around 150,000 square kilometers (57,915 square miles).

Population-wise, the USA has a larger population compared to Canada, with over 330 million people. Canada has a population of 39,977,140 as of Monday, February 10, 2025.

Now I find this fascinating that both countries are, give or take a few million square miles [5 to be exact] that the population is MASSIVE in the USA compared to Canada. Think about it.


Now let us look at why dear Donald is putting tariffs on other countries. BECAUSE based on their population think of the massive amount of taxes that the USA takes in? Then they are supporting poorer countries, supporting wars [IE Ukraine] etc. etc. What do they get in return? Nothing.

If you were constantly handing out money to people and never getting anything in return yet the people you handed out money to were quite capable of helping you would you stop? Yes, you would.


Canada has plenty of resources. Do we all need new cars, new phones, fattening foods, eating out every night, a new house every five years? Need I go on? We survived in the ‘80s and prior quite nicely with no phones, no internet, socializing in person etc. etc. Now I am not saying we need to go back to those times although they were GREAT, all I am saying is this might make people wake up and see that we have enough resources and other countries will trade with us. Europe will take our oil, and so much more.


People if you do not wake up then you will be asleep when AI takes over this world. You need to start thinking what do you really ‘need’ NOT ‘want’ to live a peaceful life. Stop worrying till things actually happen and then deal with the change not just sit and whine.


One last thing. Look at the amount of wasted taxpayers money that dear Donald has had Elon Musk find with the DEI. AND!! For those who are blaming Elon for shutting down areas of the DEI he CANNOT. He was hired as an auditor and to advise the President who is the only person who can make these decisions. And the amount of fraud that he has found just keeps coming.  


I hope our new Prime Minister hires someone to go through our areas of handing out our money that Trudeau has done so freely to other countries yet ignoring our own veterans and homeless. Putting our country in debt so that the crisis he has now created here cannot be saved money to tide us through should we need that.


I leave this here. If tariffs come so be it. Maybe we need this to wake some people up. Maybe you should think about who you voted for and watched as he took the country that we call home [Canada] into debt beyond what we ever have had.


What is my take on what will happen? I live in the NOW and always will. I do plan my business area of life as I need to apply for my shows and get them paid to assure my booth. BUT my personal life? I live in the now and deal with things only when they happen. And that is what I plan LOL to do as I watch the weak minded create stress for no reason other than their minds go there and they allow the energy to grow into negativity instead of saying ‘I’ll deal with things when they arrive, IF they arrive’.


And I continue to enjoy watching dear Donald amuse me. He is a very bad speaker but the repeats he continues to do make me understand I have heard what he is saying!! But he is a GREAT negotiator. And boy he sure knows how to get TONS of press and headlines daily. You go Donald. Keep me laughing. I do agree with most of what you have already implemented 😊  


Just an added thought. Watch Fox News. If you have Telus it is channel 811. [at least here in Edmonton, Alberta]. NOT Fox it has to be Fox News. They cover all of the idiot Dems of the USA and what President Trump is doing as the people who voted for him were promised. I have to say I have never seen an opposition party so scared of what he is doing. But it is what the American people want so you go Donald. 

 May the HEALTHY survive.




As I mentioned above I had miscalculated the raw meat and ran out. So, I bought 10 packs of reddog/bluekat raw chicken at $109.90 [$10.99 each] and what I thought China might play with, a wand with a feather on the end. She has not played with it!! 



 The Total cost for cost for February 2025 was $$134.28 


This is for one cat in case you are thinking of getting one. I am very lucky that as she ages, she is one of the rare cats that has stayed in GREAT health. I attribute this to good food, her daily exercise, and never having had any vaccines. Plus, the HUGE amount of love I give her. AND the reverse osmosis water instead of tap.


If you are thinking of getting a pet please know that from the cute stage, they grow with a personality to the adult stage. Animals feel unconditional love from their souls. They get attached and used to their homes. If you cannot give up 12-18 years and maybe longer, do NOT get a pet. It is not a companion till you find a mate, have a child, or decide to move to an apartment that will not allow pets, it is a companion for life. They also need dental care, checkups, and GOOD food. Not this cheap, no-nutrient food that I see so many people buy. Your pets will suffer later just as you would if all you ate was junk.


Look at rescue places for loving animals. These pets will not only be grateful, it's almost like they know you saved them and love and adore you for it. Think before you add to your life. Can you give this type of commitment? If the answer is yes then enjoy looking for your new companion. Think older if you can, for some reason, older pets are harder to re-home and they are much sadder as they wait not knowing what it was they did to be removed from their homes.

Screenshot 2020-09-24 112542.png

​*Moon Placements

Moon times to that people can use the times to create better movements in time. ALL emotions are felt by the Moon and when the Moon sits in certain signs the strengths can help one in the inner core.

Use the void of course time to meditate.


March 1st, 2025: Moon goes void of course at 1.05 am MST and moves into Aries at 2.52 am MST.

March 1st, 2025: Venus♀ goes retrograde at 5.36 pm. Till April 13th, 2025. Moving back through Aries and Pisces till it goes direct again.

March 2nd, 2025: Moon goes void of course at 6.52 am MST and moves into Taurus on March 3rd, 2025 at 3.37 am MST. [Note how you feel during this long V/C as they are your TRUE feelings. Your TRUE self.]

March 3rd, 2025: Mercury ☿ moves into Aries at 2.04 am MST.

March 5th, 2025: Moon goes void of course at 3.53 am MST and moves into Gemini at 5.29 am MST.

March 7th, 2025: Moon goes void of course at 7.57 am MST and moves into Cancer at 4.59 pm MST.

March 9th, 2025: Moon goes void of course at 3.32 pm MST and moves into Leo at 10.01 am MST.

March 11th, 2025: Moon goes void of course at 2.16 pm MST and moves into Virgo on March 12th, 2025 at 1.56 am MST.

March 14th, 2025: FULL MOON in Virgo at 1.55 am MST. [Removing negative energy time 😊]

March 14th, 2025: Moon goes void of course at 11.47 am MST and moves into Libra at 12.59 pm MST.

March 15th, 2025: Mercury ☿ goes retrograde at 12.46 am MST. Till April 7th, 2025. Also moving back through Aries into Pisces interestingly enough.

March 16th, 2025: Moon goes void of course at 3.53 am MST and moves into Scorpio on March 17th, 2025 at 1.30 am MST. NOTE: Another long VC so you can once again know how your TRUE inner self feels. Not happy? Change your life 😊

March 19th, 2025: Moon goes void of course at 1.28 pm MST and moves into Sagittarius at 2.17 pm MST.

March 20th, 2025: Sun ☀moves into Aries at 3.01 am MST.

March 22nd, 2025: Moon goes void of course at 12.53 am MST and moves into Capricorn at 1.29 am MST.

March 24th, 2025: Moon goes void of course at 9.01 am MST and moves into Aquarius at 9.25 am MST.

March 26th, 2025: Moon goes void of course at 4.15 am MST and moves into Pisces at 1.31 pm MST.

March 27th, 2025: Venus♀ moves into Pisces at 2.41 am. [Remember it is retrograde]

March 28th, 2025: Moon goes void of course at 2.30 pm MST and moves into Aries at 2.36 pm MST.

March 29th, 2025: NEW MOON in Aries at 4.58 am MST. [Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Aries]

March 29th, 2025: Mercury ☿ moves into Pisces at 8.18 pm MST. [Remember it is retrograde]

March 30th, 2025: Moon goes void of course at 3.18 am MST and moves into Taurus at 2.16 pm.

March 30th, 2025: Neptune ♆ moves into Aries at 6.00 am MST.

VcToria's Spiritual Advice

What does it do? Well before I go on I just need to say I am not a medical doctor or any other kind of doctor. I am not giving medical advice only what I have experienced and what many other people say. When you listen to your own body it tells you what it needs. 😊


As I wrote about in Februarys Newsletter I used the first 10 days of January 2025 to do the Master Cleanse. I did not cheat. I broke it properly on day 11 and 12 and am now on raw vegan food till December. Why?  first I follow my season [my personal years from numerology and never veer from what they offer 😊] And I am in my Season Seven, my spiritual year. So, what is more spiritual that fasting? Basically nothing.


When the body is still it heals. It not only heals the physical inner core of the body, it allows you to strengthen your own feelings/intuition/ and more. Awareness is the word I would use here. You become more aware of the journey and what it entails and is trying to teach you. Stillness in the mind, body and soul reaches new heights. I know, I have done a few long fasting’s 😊


Why do people eat? It is an addiction for sure with many foods. The body does not need as much food as many place into their mouths for the brief seconds of what they perceive is joy. But the body does not feel joy as it digests. This is what causes headaches, fat bodies, flabby skin, arthritis, grey hair, memory loss and more. It is why so many have sickly bodies. They fail to realize that the inner physical area needs rest and time to heal. Fasting does this. Fasting also clears the desire for smoking, doing drugs, coffee, sweets etc. etc. It sets the body to start over. The body only needs raw foods and clean eating.

Think about where most of you feel pain. It comes from within the body!!! Where, if you desire, you can heal it.


You can actually go without solid food for 40 days. Water? No!! water is needed daily and at the very most you can go 7 days without it. Then the organs start to fail. Water is way more important than food. That is why it is better to drink mineral or reverse osmosis. Tap water is probably why many are sick. Why drink chlorine?


As we go into stories from the greats as we call them ALL at some point fasted. Let us take Mikao Usui who founded Reiki many years ago. His experience came from exploring what life was about. Everywhere he asked he was told to fast. Finally he did, and that is where he was attuned and found knowledge of which has now been passed onto many who feel the calling. You can google the full story. I have told the full story many times in my teachings to my Reiki students. [ Yes, I was certified as a Reiki Teacher in 2001]


And if you dig deeper into prophets and wise souls they all say the same thing. Fasting is not only good for the healing of the body it creates wisdom somehow within the mind when the silence is prominent.


If you take your focus off food and bring it to the mind and make the promise to yourself that you WILL fast, then if you take that promise and keep it, the wonders of fasting, healing and wisdom come to light. You are rewarded from the Universal energy for the effort you put into it.


Now I have moved into raw foods for 2025 and all I can say is that the energy your body offers is AMAZING!! I did two years of raw vegan foods without cheating in my mid 50’s. My FULL eyesight restored to 19/20. Yes, I had an optometrist do the test on my eyes NOW and brought her the glasses that were prescribed in my mid 40’s. She was stunned and just said "your eyesight is the exact opposite of this prescription now". I said, “I know, I have not worn glasses since my mid 50’s when I went raw.” I still drive at night, and you will never see glasses on me when I drive 😊 They are not needed. I see perfectly. Yes, I do put on dollar store glasses to see text but that is all!!!


All I can say is that using the strength of the mind to experience the value of fasting will never disappoint. Only you can disappoint yourself by not allowing yourself to experience the healing of the mind, body and soul.

If we are judged on the other side of life in how we took care of the miraculous physical creation that the soul chooses to live within I will get a gold star 😊


Try it, you may be very surprised. But better yet when you have no aches and pains the body thanks you. I know. I am 71 going on to 72 next month and have not one ache or pain in my body. It feels GREAT and so does my desire for life. When I wake up I want to get up 😊  


Next Month: An interesting question from a security guard at K Days last year. Do we come back as animals?

VcToria's Raw Vegan Kitchen 
cucumber soup.jpg

Since most people appear not to own a dehydrator although some new stoves do come with these I have chosen to just post easy raw recipes that I am eating during my raw year.



Truly filling and very healthy. Note: The photo was the soup but the bowl was covered in saran wrap. It is best to eat this soup at room temperature. I always cover my foods :) 



6 large cucumbers

6 stalks of celery

4-5 avocados

4 tomatoes chopped

2 cups of frozen peas or fresh. If frozen run under warm [not hot] water till thawed.

Lots of dill and sea salt to taste. You may also add dulse.


Juice the cucumbers and celery then pour this juice into a blender. Add the avocados and blend till smooth. Pour the mixture into a large bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and stir. Serve at room temperature.


If you wish you can halve this recipe if you want to make less. Keep the avocado pips in the bowl so that it does not turn brown. Keeps for at least a week but I have never bee able to keep it that long as my body craves HEALTHY 😊


Next Month: Raw Cheese and Rejuvelac


I ship only to Canada, England, USA and Australia. Please buy everything else on Amazon if you live outside these countries

You may buy these books on Amazon or my website. You may purchase in a Kindle or hardcover or paperback on Amazon. If you do, there is no autograph on any books nor any Amulet Kits needed for The Mystic Grimoire. You will then have to purchase the Amulet kit from my web store on my website. Personally, it is quicker to order from my website and cheaper.


Having said that, on my web store, you will receive an autographed copy, plus a wee channeled message and the Amulet Kit that is needed for one of the books.


What else is For Sale? I also offer FULL Numerology charts, FULL Astrology charts, Phone Reads, Skype and Zoom Reads, and my late Father's CDs or MP3 files on Guided Meditation, Attracting Money, and Removing Negative Energy. Completed Pyramid and Crystal to apply the magic to one of the books. Amulet Kits in black and white, plus color. Buy help for your spells and rituals.

To order anything please click here Web Store for The Alternative Universe


VcToria books her appointments around your schedule. The only time she will not book is first thing in the morning. The appointments are from 1 pm to 10 PM MST. Her office is located in the West End of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


Home Office Appointments: Please look at my website for prices and the package of your choice before you call. Please note I do NOT do the mini reads at home that I do at the shows around town. Or out of town.


Please go to under the menu bar for all prices and descriptions of reads. 780-4817238 OR click here to go directly to the prices> PRICES OF PSYCHIC READS


VcToria's Information


Phone Readings: VcToria offers phone reads by appointment. She books seven days a week from 1 pm till Midnight. VcToria prefers to see her clients in person, but if you do not reside in Edmonton and are not in any of the towns she travels to, please do call for a phone/zoom reading. Click Here >PHONE or ZOOM PSYCHIC READINGS


House Parties: VcToria offers house parties catered around your choice. She can supply as many psychics as you need for your party. Click Here > HOUSE PARTIES She also offers her services to corporate events. Click Here for Corporate Events If she is driving through your town you can also arrange a house party at that time. She will stop and do mini psychic reads for your guests. Please call to see when she is traveling and if she is passing your way.


Readings: VcToria offers five packages of readings. You may choose from a variety of Tarot Cards/Numerology/Palmistry/Mind, Body, and Soul/Astrology Charts, and the latest read The Third Eye. To view her packages please click on this link PRICES OF PSYCHIC READS


Clearings: Do you need your home or office cleared of bothersome energies? VcToria offers clearings of all homes and offices in Edmonton. If you wish to have a home or office clearing and she is passing through your town she will stop to accommodate you. VcToria uses her Father's voice and direction to start the clearings. She then uses her energy, crystals, and smudging to clear and heal your home. You will also have a personal clearing. For more information or to book an appointment please call her. 780-481-7238.You may also purchase the protective/energy clearance CD or in MP3 form that VcToria has always used, on the website store. PSYCHIC ENERGY REMOVER. Note this is VcToria’s late Father's original work.


Personal Clearings: VcToria will open up your chakras with her Tibetan bell and then activate her Reiki knowledge and ask your guides to be present. She will then smudge and clear you, speaking very clearly about removing energy as she cleanses. For an added clearance she use her White Sage spray to enhance the aura. You will leave with your chakras balanced and your aura energy vibrating. As a physical body needs a bath or shower so the outer energy needs to be cleared every so often. The duration of the Personal Cleanse is 10-15 minutes. Only available in conjunction with a reading for an additional $25 plus GST..


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